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All together, all the same

Nuestro proyecto "All together, all the same" está centrado en desarrollar las habilidades sociales, pluriculturales y plurilingüísticas de nuestros alumnos, tanto de Educación Infantil como de Educación Ordinaria de tres países diferentes (Bélgica, Rumanía y España), usando como herramienta de convivencia las Artes: el Teatro, la Danza y la Música, las Ártes Plásticas y la Cocina como expresión artística.  



Our project "All together, all the same2 is focused on developing the social, pluricultural and plurilinguistic skills of our students, from Special Schools and from Mainstream schooling of three different countries (Belgium, Romania and Spain), using the Arts as the tool: the Theatre, the Dance and Music, the Arts and Crafts and the Cooking as artistic expression.l




 "The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

© 2017 CEIP Arcipreste de Hita

                  El Espinar - Segovia


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