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Diferente es bien sale en Onda El Espinar

Todos los autores que participaron en "Diferente es bien" estuvieron en la radio Onda El Espinar.

All the participating authors in "Diferente es bien" were in the local radio Onda El Espinar.

Allí, explicaron nuestro proyecto de Inclusión "Learn together to live together" y la actividad concreta de "Diferente es bien", en una entrevista en la radio local "Onda El Espinar". Podéis escucharlo en este link:

There, they explained our Inclusion project "Learn together to live together" and the specific activity of "Different is good", in an interview held in the local radio "Onda El Espinar". You can listen to it in this link:

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 "The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

© 2017 CEIP Arcipreste de Hita

                  El Espinar - Segovia


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