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Los niños del CEIP Arcipreste de Hita y los niños de Zwaluwnest tienen unos amigos comunes: Rikki y Rikko. Son dos hermanos maravillosos: son conejos, pero tienen una oreja caída. Rikki ha aprendido a aceptarse como es.....pero a Rikko le cuesta más.

The children from CEIP Arcipreste de Hita and the children from Zwaluwnest have some special friends in common: Rikki and Rikko. They are two wonderful brothers: they are bunnies but have one ear down. Rikki has learnt to accept himself as he is....but Rikko has it more difficult.

Así que un día desaparece de Zwaluwnest y entonces comienza su aventura VISITANDO A LOS NIÑOS Y LAS NIÑAS DE EL ESPINAR. Ellos le enseñan muchas cosas de Segovia y de El Espinar. Y además aprenden a quererlo como es. Único y especial.

So one day, he dissapears from Zwaluwnest and then his adventure starts. He VISITS THE CHILDREN FROM EL ESPINAR. They show him and teach him many things from Segovia and from El Espinar. Besides, they learn to love him as he is. Rare and special

Este es un resumen del VIAJE DE RIKKO por El Espinar

This is a short abstract of RIKKO'S TRIP to El Espinar

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 "The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

© 2017 CEIP Arcipreste de Hita

                  El Espinar - Segovia


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